Monday, October 10, 2011

Some CSS tips ,quick reference for various components

CSS Changes for updating look and feel of various components
Ver 5.2.X
for changes in portlet title change class="portlet-title"

I will add more over the weekend , please share your learning as comments 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Liferay quick start a wonderful guide for beginners

Liferay has got a new post for beginners ,interesting post I thought of sharing it with all .

Quick start guide

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sucessful Integrations with different tools and services

List of few tools and services which I have successfully integrated or have come to know.

CAS -- The Central Authentication Service the most widely used tool works with almost all version of LR ,very less issues while integrating.
Read on -- CAS

Ease of configuration & integration with Liferay --- 4/5
Performance -------------------------------------- 4/5

SOLR -- features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, and rich document (e.g., Word, PDF) handling. Solr is highly scalable, providing distributed search and index replication, and it powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.
Read on --SOLR

Ease of configuration & integration with Liferay ---- 2.5/5
Performance -------------------------------------- 4/5

Terracotta -- Ehcache boost application performance, enhance operational control, and easily scale to large virtualized environments and clouds.
Read On

Ease of configuration & integration with Liferay --- 2.5/5
Performance -------------------------------------- 4/5

LDAP -- All open source LDAP work fairly good ,coolest features in LR 6.0
Read On Open LDAP

NTLM Works perfectly fine

Facebook Works perfectly however make sure to do cross browser testing use at least LR ver6.0.5

PayPal Works with almost all versions of Liferay

Alfresco It has been used in many project ,I am awaiting more feedback to comment on capabilities on different version
Read on Alfresco

Monday, February 28, 2011

Book I am reading currently

Hi currently I am going through Liferay User Interface Development book

This book is amongst few compact reference resources of LR UI development, the book has a lot of information and will be very helpful in deciding which UI technology to use as per your specification .It has good section on theme,template,layout ,portlet UI ,use of alloy etc.

You can get a free chapter for advanced theme

Friday, February 4, 2011

Liferay based tech stack

I would like to discuss some Liferay Portal project tech stacks

I will clean the post in coming days :) ,Please share your tech stack as comments

1> Liferay Portal ,defaults CMS , Spring Portlet MVC for custom portlets ,MYSql Databse ,Jqery /JS ,CAS for authentication ,open LDAP.
I believe this stack is most readily used stack with minor changes.

2>Liferay Portal , Default CMS ,Struts MVC , MYSql database ,NTLM authentication ,Open LDAP.

3>Liferay Portal ,Alfresco , Spring Portlet MVC

4> Liferay Portal +Vaadin